- Since your offer is quite reasonable,I can accept it here and now. 因为你们的报价公平合理,我立刻接受。
- Since your offer is quite reasonable, I can accept it here and now. 因为你们的报价公平合理,我立刻接受。
- Oh, dear! I can not possibly accept it. 哎呀!我无论如何不能要它。
- I cannot accept it just on your say-so. 我不能只凭你的话就相信那件事。
- Under those terms, yes, we can accept it. 在那些条件之下,我们可以接受。
- Your proposal is reasonable. We can accept it. 您的建议是合理的,我们可以接受。
- While I sympathize your point of view I cannot accept it. 虽然我同情你的观点,但我不能接受它。
- While I sympathize your point of view ,but I cannot accept it. 虽然我同情你的观点,但我不能接受它。
- I am not sure I can accept the offer,actually. 实际上我没有把握是否能接受这个提议。
- The price is somewhat higher than I can accept. 价格比我能接受的高了些。
- While I sympathize with your point of view, I cannot accept it. 我尽管同情你的观点,但却不能接受。
- I am not sure I can accept the offer, actually. 实际上我没有把握是否能接受这个提议。
- Shakespeare said, women must be gentilesse,or i can not accept it. 女人,必须温柔,否者我不敢接受。
- I can accept it. 我愿意接受这一薪酬。
- It's not the right material,or the right colour. I can not possibly accept it. 衣料不合适。颜色也不对。我无论如何不能要它。
- I'm afraid three quarters are the best I can accept. 恐怕我最多只能同意四分之三。
- I am very sorry,but I do not think I can accept his suggestion. 对不起,我想我不能接受他的建议。
- I am very sorry, but I do not think I can accept his suggestion. 对不起,我想我不能接受他的建议。
- No,I am not.But I can accept the ture that my friends are les . 很讨厌任何人在不清楚不了解不明白的事情上去指责;评价.
- I am good tempered and of good habits. I can accept children. 我脾气很好,有良好的习惯。我能够接受小孩。